Empower Mallakhamb: Advancing Athletes and Expanding Horizons

We are excited to share our vision for the future of Mallakhamb and invite you to be a part of our journey. With your support, we aim to achieve extraordinary goals that will impact both our athletes and the future of Mallakhamb in the United States.

Our Aspirations

At Mallakhamb Federation, we are driven by the dream of representing our sport in the Olympics, a platform that will help us showcase the beauty, strength, and grace of Mallakhamb to the world. But that’s not all – our ambitions go beyond!

Olympic Participation

Our immediate goal is to prepare and participate in the Olympics, an endeavor that requires extensive training, international exposure, and infrastructure development.

New Training Centers

We plan to establish new training centers across and beyond the country to nurture young talent and provide world-class training facilities.

Infrastructure Enhancement

To compete at the highest level, we need state-of-the-art equipment and venues. We’re investing in infrastructure improvements to ensure our athletes have the best resources.

The Need for Financial Support

Mallakhamb is a unique and physically demanding sport, and the path for a better future is riddled with challenges. We rely on the generous support of individuals and organizations like you to:


  • Fund athlete training and coaching programs.
  • Cover the costs of international competitions, travel, and exposure.
  • Develop and maintain world-class training centers.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and safety gear.
  • Hire experienced coaches and trainers to nurture talent.

Why Does Your Contribution Matter

By making a donation today, you become an integral part of our journey. Every dollar you contribute goes directly into realizing our dreams and supporting our talented athletes.

Your donation helps us:

  • Prepare our athletes for the Olympics and international competitions.
  • Open doors for young talent to discover and excel in Mallakhamb.
  • Provide better infrastructure and facilities.
  • Secure a brighter future for the sport in the USA.

How to Contribute

Ready to be a part of our Mallakhamb journey?

Click the “Donate Now” button below to make a secure online donation. Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant impact.

Direct Donation

Support Mallakhamb Federation USA directly through the ‘Donate Now’ button on our fundraising webpage. Your generous contributions help us promote and grow the incredible sport of Mallakhamb.

Via FlipGive

Make a difference while you shop! Use FlipGive, the shopping rewards app that partners with leading brands to offer community givebacks. When you shop through FlipGive, a portion of your purchases goes towards Mallakhamb Federation USA. It’s an effortless way to support us!
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Via SHOP.com

Shop with a purpose on SHOP.COM, the ultimate shopping comparison site. Not only will you find the stores and products you love, but you’ll also help the Mallakhamb Federation USA earn royalties on eligible purchases. Plus, once you register, you are eligible to earn and enjoy up to 50% cashback on qualified purchases. You can earn cashback for purchasing exclusive products and also from 1000’s of our partner stores like Walmart, Macys, Kohls, The Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond. Shop smart, support Mallakhamb!

Note: Cashback goes to your SHOP.com account, while royalties go to Mallakhamb Federation.

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Progress Tracking

We believe in transparency. Check back regularly to see updates on our progress, events, and the achievements of our athletes. Together, we can make Mallakhamb a source of pride for the nation.

Thank you for considering a donation to Mallakhamb Federation in the USA. Your support means the world to us and brings us one step closer to our incredible dream. Join us on this exciting journey!